2012 |
An information portal for woman.
The implementation of 3KTWeb-CMS module.
The implementation of 3KTWeb-EShop module.
The implementation of 3KTWeb-Forum module.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common internet browser. |
Informační stránky konference "šetrné budovy 2012".
The implementation of the WordPress.
Multilanguage version.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common internet browser. |
2011 |
Stránky rybářských potřeb ZERP.
The implementation of the WordPress.
Multilanguage version.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common internet browser. |
Kompletní webová prezentace České Limnologické společnosti s uživatelsky jednoduchou administrací. Systém byl dodán včetně kompletního grafického návrhu a implementace redakčního systému. Speciální sekce pro registrované členy. Modul pro sledování členských poplatků.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-CMS administrator module.
Multilanguage version.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common internet browser. |
Stránky České Společnosti pro Ultrazvuk v Porodnictví a Gynekologie ČLS JEP.
The implementation of the WordPress.
Multilanguage version.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common internet browser. |
Informační stránky oddělení ultrazvukové diagnostiky a centra fatální medicíny.
The implementation of the Joomla.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common internet browser. |
Complete E-shop with user-friendly administration.
The system was supplied with complete graphic design and editorial system implementation.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-EShop administrator module.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common search engines. |
Informační stránky konference "šetrné budovy".
The implementation of the WordPress with special registration modul 3KTWeb-CMS.
Multilanguage version.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common internet browser. |
Complete web pages with user-friendly administration.
The system was supplied with complete graphic design (created by external co-worker) and editorial system implementation.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-CMS administrator module.
Multilanguage version.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common internet browser. |
2010 |
Complete E-shop with user-friendly administration.
The system was supplied with complete graphic design (created by external co-worker) and editorial system implementation, include XML export for price-compare website.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-EShop administrator module.
Multilanguage version.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common search engines. |
Coins microsite.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-CMS administrator module.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common internet browser. |
The complete auction system with user-friendly administration.
Auctions proceed online, including online updates reports for administrators. Accent was placed on a simple interface for users.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-CMS administrator module.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common internet browser. |
Profession pages Dr. Pavel Calda.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb administrator module for the simple maintenance.
Multilanguage version.
Fully valid CSS and HTML.
Complete E-shop with user-friendly administration.
The system was supplied with complete graphic design and editorial system implementation.
Graphic design.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-EShop administrator module.
Multilanguage version.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Export creation for the goods searcher engines like www.zbozi.cz and www.heureka.cz, management of the advertising campaigns.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common search engines. |
2009 |
Complete E-shop with user-friendly administration.
The system was supplied with complete graphic design and editorial system implementation.
Graphic design.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-EShop administrator module.
Multilanguage version.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Export creation for the goods searcher engines like www.zbozi.cz and www.heureka.cz, management of the advertising campaigns.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common search engines.
Online journal Current Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb administrator module for the simple maintenance.
Fully valid CSS and HTML.
An information portal for efficient energy management.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb administrator module for the simple maintenance.
Complete www prezentation with user-friendly administration.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb administrator module for the simple maintenance of the conferences.
The implementation of the order system, the newsletter and also the schedule of the organized projects.
Fully valid CSS and HTML.
Complete E-shop with user-friendly administration.
The system was supplied with complete graphic design, editorial system implementation and data migration from the original, no longer satisfying E-shop.
Graphic design.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-EShop administrator module.
Multilanguage version.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Export creation for the goods searcher engines like www.froogle.com and www.Avengo.de, management of the advertising campaigns.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common search engines.
2008 |
Complete rebuilding of the original web-sites of the “B.I.D. services” company which organizes conferences and seminars.
The graphic design conversion of www.bazil.cz company to the HTML format.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb administrator module for the simple maintenance of the conferences.
The implementation of the order system, the newsletter and also the schedule of the organized projects.
Fully valid CSS and HTML.
Extension of the original web-sites on the wholesale division.
Administration upgrading.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-EShop administrator module for smart shopping.
Export creation for the goods searcher engines like www.froogle.com and www.Avengo.de, management of the advertising campaigns.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Template from not-implemented contract.
For sale:
- prevody.com domain (prevody.eu also possibly for sale)
- completed graphic design
- logo modification
- Fully valid HTML and CSS template for Macromedia Dreamweaver
Special offer: webhosting with discount price.
Price: 400 € without VAT. Our company is VAT payer. |
2007 |
Complete E-shop with user-friendly administration.
The system was supplied with complete graphic design, editorial system implementation and data migration from the original, no longer satisfying E-shop.
Graphic design.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb-EShop administrator module.
Multilanguage version.
Search engine optimization (SEO).
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common search engines.
Web-site of cup collectors.
This site emphasis is on the simplest control for everyone.
Graphic design.
The implementation of the 3KTWeb administrator module.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common search engines. |
2006 |
Complete upgrade of the graphic design.
Administration upgrade.
Quality improvement of the web-sites, both from the user’s point of view and for the search engines.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common search engines.
Complete upgrade of the graphic design.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Complete upgrade of the graphic design.
Administration upgrade.
Quality improvement of the web-sites, both from the user’s point of view and for the search engines.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common search engines.
Simple personal web-sites of PhDr. Michal Pehr, including texts.
Fully valid CSS, HTML.
Optimized for common search engines.
2005 |
Simple personal web-sites, including texts.
Complete web-sites, including their graphic implementation and company logo design.
Travel book from India 2005.
Tableless layout through css, optimized for search engines.
Utilization of module for auto-generated photo galleries.
Complete web-sites, including their graphic implementation and English-Czech translation.
2004 |
Personal web-sites of Ivan Březina.
Tableless layout through css.
Graphic design for biker team.
Simple company presentation, HTML und CSS.
International water-supply-companies conference.
Graphic design, HTML, CSS styles, on-line forms of application. |
Cell phone shop, including the administration.
2003 |
Complete company presentation, including the dynamic content displaying and on-line forms of application.
Complete company presentation.
Web-sites establishing, including complete design for the bowling club – Modrá stodola.
Information web-sites for gynecologists.
Establishing of the whole editorial system, including inquiries, E-shop, article adding, etc.
2002 |
Web-sites design and framework of TJ SOKOL Havlovice.